When I asked if I could have had an allergic reaction to the shot, I was told that is was "just the basic pneumonia shot and maybe you moved when the needle went in." I had no symptoms before the shot, and pain has persisted since. Moving your arm in the hours after the shot can lessen the pain . My blood pressure is 143/104 and the Norco isn't helping relieve the pain. I had the first one a year ago with no problem. The platelets cells responsible for promoting clotting once injected in high concentrations at the injury site, act as a beacon to summon stem cells to repair the injury, Ferrell says. Pneumonia can be deadly. Im still experiencing issues from vaccine!! No appetite. ", American Heart Association: "Warning Signs of Heart Failure.". After this pneumonia shot on Thursday my arm became sore and hurt all night so I couldnt sleep. The pain now seems to have migrated to the back of my arm however it only hurts when I press gently in that area. Pneumonia is an infection that inflames the air sacs in one or both lungs. None had experienced symptoms before the shots, according to Sarah Atanasoff, the studys author and a medical officer in the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which is run by the federal governments Health Resources and Services Administration, or HRSA. A third of the patients needed surgery, some of them twice. My blood pressure is 143/104 and the Norco isn't helping relieve the pain. Why in the world would seniors be advised to take this horrible vaccine?? I received my first Pneumovax 23 shot in October 2020. Arm still hurts 3 months after having pneumonia shot? I've been massaging it and it seems the swelling is spreading throughout my arm. Symptoms from such mishaps known as SIRVA, for shoulder injury related to vaccine administration include chronic pain, limited range of motion, nerve damage, frozen shoulder (the inability to move the shoulder) and rotator cuff tear. I decided to try it and had the injection on Friday. Either they hit a nerve, there Usually inflammation at the site of vaccination is due to immune reaction to previous memory of the same antigen which manifest as inflammation. Some possible reasons include bacteria that enters the heart, the stress of the illness increasing the chance of having a heart problem, or that your body is not sending enough oxygen to your organs. I had Pneumovax 23 at about 2:30 pm, At 4:30 pm I got on my bike trainer and did a very vigorous one hour workout. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung usually caused by bacterial or viral infection (rarely, also by fungi) that causes the air sacs to fill with pus. Tell your doctor if you have any of these symptoms: Your doctor can test your mucus or the pus in your lungs to look for infection. If your arm is sore, ice can help reduce pain and swelling. Which antibiotic is prescribed is based on the type of bacteria, your age, health history, and more. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Roughly half the flu shots administered this year are quadrivalent, so perhaps that accounts for the sore arms. It appears that the swelling is from a build up of fluids in my arm due to the shot if that makes any sense. An intense conflagration in the lungs (regular pneumonia) has a higher risk of death. I'm more of a witness for 2 neighbors who each got there vaccine & both had COPD. Can't sleep due to the excruciating pain, can't lay on it, day 2 I had fever, chills, fatigue, arm is hot and severe headaches. When these bacteria invade the lungs, they can cause pneumonia. All these months later, it still hurts. The intensity of the pain increased during the night so that I could not sleep. There is no single way to treat shoulder injuries, regardless of how they occur. While SIRVA has not been on the list until now, the court has awarded compensation for such injuries based on growing evidence of causation. Observations: This is a clinical case series of 5 adult patients who received the influenza and PS23 vaccines and experienced a cellulitis-like reaction, fever, and leukocytosis in the days following vaccination. The pain kept getting worse and I eventually thought that I was having a heart attack. It's more likely to happen if you: Men and older people are more likely to get lung abscesses. Nobody believes people who say theyve been hurt by flu shots, but it can happen.. See a picture of the Lungs and learn more about the health topic. Get medical help right away if you are having. These opinions do not represent the opinions of WebMD. ", Medscape: "Lung Abscess," "Lung Abscess Clinical Presentation," "Pneumonia patients at increased risk of acute cardiac events. (See sidebar.). I've never had an experience like this before. However, even a day of not using your arm can reduce mobility in someone with a rotator cuff tear. I remember thinking: Will I ever be able to roll out another pie crust for my grandchildren?. When you have pneumonia, it's possible for your lungs to fill with fluid. Most are flu-shot cases because these shots are so common. And I can only take tylenol since I'm preggo. They help your lungs move smoothly when you breathe. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. After treatment, check your lungs to make sure they are all clear. decreased movement of the legs. However, in older adults (65 years) or children, the doctor may ask to test a throat swab culture. They are right up there with the aging knee and aching lower back.. If the rotator cuff is damaged, either by inflammation or from a mechanical tear, the arm will not move normally. This reduces the risk of inadvertently injecting the vaccine too high up into the shoulder. I dont like taking drugs unless unavoidable and in this case I felt it would only be masking the pain so I ignored the advice. Your doctor will likely treat your lung abscesses with antibiotics. I got the Pneumovax 23 vaccine on Thursday, September 8, 2022 as a second pneumonia shot. I CAN'T MOVE MY ARM, when I say the pain is Severe I mean it is intolerable!! Experiment with what works best for you. Our doctors define difficult medical language in easy-to-understand explanations of over 19,000 medical terms. 9 Sources. Usually appearing up to 48 hours after vaccination, SIRVA is the result of a medical worker. It should improve in the next week. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Massive reaction that swelled my entire arm significantly. Almost universally, when I ask where the shot went, they point really high up on the arm.. They need to answer for this medical neglect. Pressure on the arm hurts too, so I rarely do my hair. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides specific recommendations for needle size based on the patients weight, but generally the needles get bigger as the patient gets bigger, says JoEllen Wolicki, a nurse educator in CDCs immunization services division. In July, HRSA proposed adding SIRVA to the programs list of covered injuries. To learn more, please visit our. Can't sleep due to the excruciating pain, can't lay on it, day 2 I had fever, chills, fatigue, arm is hot and severe he. I had the first one a year ago with no problem. Like many, I avert my eyes at the sight of an approaching needle. Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. The pandemic COVID-19 coronavirus causes severe . Be very careful about this vaccine and who administers it and don't get it unless you absolutely have to. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. Family Medicine 40 years experience. Consult your doctor before breastfeeding. It is not known whether the vaccinations caused the rotator cuff tears, but if these injuries existed before the shots, the patients were asymptomatic, Atanasoff says. When that happens, he adds, an acute process can become chronic.. Not so with this one! She had extreme fatigue. Initially, I dismissed it as typical post-shot soreness. Started in the upper arm and traveled down into my hand over 4 days. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Latest Facts on COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters, History Does Repeat: Vaccine Resistance Is Not New, Synthetic Chemical in Many Products Linked to Early Death, New Drug for Early Breast Cancer: First Advance in 20 Years, Love Horror? The consequences of getting a vaccine-preventable disease can be far more serious. A sore arm for a day or two is a typical reaction to a pneumonia vaccine. When I can do my hair, I have to bend over to help my arm reach it or lean against the wall to hold my arm up. It progresses slowly, developing six to 12 days after the onset of COVID-19 symptoms (compared to one to three days for flu-related pneumonia). ber 10, 2021 and my arm is still swollen, warm and somewhat reddish. Dear Dr. Roach: I have a badly torn rotator cuff on my left shoulder, so that arm is basically a constant problem. Maybe there is another one, that is older and less harmful, but don't do this 23. In 2012, more than 9.6 million Americans sought help from their physicians for shoulder problems, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Tell your doctor if you are having any of these symptoms: Your doctor may look for swelling or fluid with an X-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan. I had no problem at all with that shot. Within 5-6 hours, I started severe chills and shaking, 100.2 fever, extreme headache, pain all over my body- muscles and joints. All vaccines can cause immune responses such as arm rashes, swollen lymph nodes, low-grade fever, soreness, and fatigue. One week after flu shot pain in arm continues. Dear Dr. Roach: I wanted to know about the risk of cervical cancer with a partner who has HPV or herpes. Using the arm may reduce soreness. I am so sorry that I got this shot. Is there anything similar in the UK? Using the arm may reduce soreness. Pneumonia is a lung infection that affects many people. This trial, performed in the Netherlands, showed that a second vaccine, called pneumococcal conjugate vaccine 13 (PCV13), also provides protection against community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia and other invasive S. pneumoniae infections.. Get medical help right away if you notice symptoms like: Your doctor will test your blood for bacteria and treat you with antibiotics if you have bacteremia. I had to lay down. I am very sorry I got this shot- I knew in advance that friends warned me of multiple issues, so I got the shot in my back hip. I hate drugs, so I hope that my new doctor will actually examine the arm and shoulder itself to see what we can do. Bodor uses ultrasound imaging to target precise sites for cortisone injections, which cured Cassayre after several months of ineffective physical therapy. I recently went to see John Ferrell, who practices regenerative orthopedics in the Washington area, to find out whether I might benefit from a therapy that uses the bodys own blood platelets to heal injuries. All rights reserved. Horrible side effects.,, 6 hours after injection.. red arm, pain like Ive never experienced before with a vaccine.. arm double normal size.. hard red skin headache, body ache, insomnia for 2 days. It's more likely to happen if you: Had gum disease in the past Have bacteremia Have a weakened immune system -- your body's. As the immune system activates, it also sometimes causes temporary swelling in lymph nodes, such as those under the arm. Reviews here helped me a lot after I got the shot the other day, so I wanted to return the favor with this review. A variety of organisms, including bacteria, viruses and fungi, can cause pneumonia. Seek emergency medical attention at the first sign of an allergic reaction to the pneumonia vaccine. I still have moments where I get dizzy and nauseous. I hope this does not persist. If you have mild symptoms, your doctor may ask for. In the rare event that the pneumonia vaccine causes a serious problem, the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) may be able to offer financial help. My arm is swollen. I usually tolerate vaccines without a problem. Terms of Use. They might also give you an electrocardiogram (EKG) to make sure that a heart problem isn't the cause of your chest pain. After this pneumonia shot on Thursday my arm became sore and hurt all night so I couldnt sleep. i cant touch it or barely move it without it being a 10 on pain scale? It's Horrible. The opinions expressed in WebMD User-generated content areas like communities, reviews, ratings, or blogs are solely those of the User, who may or may not have medical or scientific training. My range of motion is severely limited. After all of the shots I've had, NOW I would move?! Its been 3 days. I had not been warned about this. Pneumonia can also be caused by accidentally inhaling saliva or small pieces of food. Human papillomavirus is the major risk factor for cervical cancer, responsible for about 99per cent of cervical cancer. Symptoms and signs include cough, fever, shortness of breath, and chills. I am so sorry that I got this shot. The most common symptoms of pneumonia are: cough can be dry or may produce thick mucus (cough can last for several weeks after pneumonia has been treated successfully) fever (a temperature of 38C or higher), sweating and shivering though in older people it can cause lower than normal body temperature. Readers may email questions to ToYourGoodHealth@med.cornell.edu, Sign in or register for your free account. Today (48 hours later) the redness, swelling and tenderness persists to a slightly lesser degree along with the warm feeling to the touch in that. I went to the urgent care because it was painful ,swollen half way to my wrist could not move my arm because of the pain . Usually lasts only a day or two for most people. It swelled, turned red and very warm to the touch by Friday morning. This was surprising because my doctor told me that this vaccine was usually very well tolerated. I've Been reading about side effects in message boards since last night, and if we had known the excruciating pain it can cause, we would never have let her get the injection. About 30% of pneumonia cases reported in the United States are viral. But nights are the absolute worst: My shoulder aches and throbs constantly. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Terms of Use. This is day two. It lasted over a week. Eight hours in my arm was swollen, warm from my shoulder to my elbow and I had a low grade fever. I've used heat, ice, pain rubs, tried stretching, massaging, resting as much as possible, prescription narcotics, using my right arm to aid the left As I type this now, my arm and shoulder are throbbing and I'm lightheaded. They've run tests, exams, and x-rays on everything EXCEPT my shoulder and the injection site. "Icing the injection site for 20 minutes several times a day can help to reduce discomfort," Dr. Jain says. Now, a "Covid arm" is different from a skin reaction that . She had no pain in her arm before. Is it normal for your arm to swell after a pneumonia shot? This experience has shifted my entire outlook on getting vaccines. While recovering from mild pneumonia, be sure to: Get plenty of sleep. Apply ice or a warm compress after the injection. Sorry that I didn't know about this page to have shared this information sooner Glad to know I'm not alone. I went to my doctors office and because I believe what happened last December was an unfortunate accident I let the same nurse deliver it. Tdap Vaccine. e not got this shot ever! It's not too difficult to alleviate post-vaccine soreness at your injection site. It went fine. You're more likely to get respiratory failure if you're being treated in the hospital, have a weak immune system, have a history of alcoholism, or you're elderly. Stayed on the couch without moving for 4 hours. Shingles vaccination is the only way to protect against shingles and postherpetic neuralgia (PHN), the most common complication from shingles. Its okay when I go running, but it bothers me when I swim. Arm pain is a common side effect of vaccinations and is caused by your immune system responding to the vaccine you received. Antibiotics are also an option to treat empyema. I regained the use of my arm with limited pain. Pain started Monday evening and I could not move my upper arm. I had a Pneumonia shot 6 years ago with no issues. (Jewel Samad/AFP via Getty Images). You can become infected if you come in contact with someone who is sick. Learn causes of respiratory infection like bronchitis, pneumonia, SARS, Coronavirus COVID-19 bird flu, and more. It was my first time getting the pneumonia vaccine. Your doctor will treat the cause of your kidney failure, and in extreme cases you may need to have your blood cleaned through a dialysis machine until your kidneys are working again. Should the arm be really sore after getting a pneumonia shot? I'm almost at the point of seeking legal counsel. bleeding gums. my arm started huting really bad sunday? MRI scans showed, among other things, bursitis and rotator cuff tears in several of the patients. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. In public places, use sanitizers to disinfect your hands before eating anything. Pneumococcal disease is caused by a specific type of bacterium called Streptococcus pneumoniae. The patient who received the vaccines in opposite . Tingling in your hands or fingers, also known as paresthesia, is not a common side effect after getting the COVID vaccination but some could end up experiencing it for various reasons, warns. Pain started Monday evening and I could not move my upper arm. My arm is killing me from the pneumonia shot. But Im not willing to go through a lengthy, painful and disruptive recovery. REALLY? Almost normal by Wednesday Evening. All rights reserved. This shot has created a lot more health issues than I would wish on my most evil enemy. I just hope I dont end up with any permanent damage. My shoulder started hurting the afternoon I got the shot, she says, and after several days it had gotten terribly painful and I couldnt lift my arm. Bronchiectasis is a chronic lung condition in which the bronchi (tube-like passageways that transfer air within the lungs) get permanently damaged and widened. Your doctor can look for heart failure by listening to your heart, testing your blood, or checking the results of an X-ray, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, CT scan, or MRI. The injection should go into the muscle at a 90-degree angle to the skin. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Is there anything similar in the UK? I started having shooting and stabbing pains. See additional information. I took Tylenol and used ice that didnt seem to help. If you do, and you end up experiencing any of my symptoms, you can't say that you weren't warned. N'T helping relieve the pain increased during the night so I rarely do my hair fever, soreness and! 'Ve run tests, exams, and more ber 10, 2021 and my arm limited. To disinfect your hands frequently with soap and water for at least seconds! Grade fever intense conflagration in the lungs ( regular pneumonia ) has a higher risk of death,! Cassayre after several months of ineffective physical therapy far more serious I have a torn...: my shoulder aches and throbs constantly lungs, they can cause pneumonia had COPD on Thursday my arm sore! Has created a lot more health issues than I would move? board-certified doctor by text video... 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